I received a lovely blog award from Jocelyn of instead-of-ironing.blogspot.com.

Earlier I did not care about the awards and usually did not respond to it. Only I just gave a Thank You note to my blogger friends. But this time Jocelyn words are so heart touching and she has given me so much respect in her blog, I could not stop myself to Thank Jocelyn in my blog post. Thank you Jocelyn for your kind words and for this lovely award.
Now about Liebster -
"Liebster is a German word, meaning dearest or beloved, but it can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to these wonderful blogs!"
The Liebster Blog Award is used to show appreciation of smaller blogs (under 200 followers) and to help spread readership and joy! As part of the tradition, this award is passed along to five other blogs that have motivated and inspired me in such great ways!
To accept the award:
1. Link back to the person's blog who gave it to you and thank them :)
2. Post the award to your blog
3. Give the award to 5 bloggers (less than 200 followers) that you appreciate and value
4. Leave a comment on the five blogs you chose to let them know.
Its very difficult for me to choose 5 bloggers. Everyone is equally important for me.So I m passing this award to each and every blogger friends, followers of mine. Due to the shortage of time and my busy schedule, I can't be able to comment on your blog posts but I remember you all dearies. So please accept this award from my side. LOve you all dearies.
Thank You Jocelyn, u r such a darling friend of mine.